Cardio Pulmonary Rehab Services In Dubai

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Cardio Pulmonary Rehab Services in Dubai

Yad Al’ Amal offers reliable and effective cardio pulmonary rehab services in Dubai. We are specialized in helping patients with heart and lung problems to live a better and quality life. Our physiotherapists carefully tailor therapy programs for patients suffering from pulmonary or cardiac impairment. The therapy program may consist of different sessions, exercise routines, and pieces of training to help patients feel better. Our tenured staff keeps an eye on recovery records and carefully supervises every patient to ensure a fast recovery. Our highly qualified physiotherapists and customized rehabilitation plans have enabled us to make our patients healthy and restore their lung condition.


Post Cardiac Surgery Rehabilitation

Patients who recovered from congestive heart failure (CHF), angioplasty, heart valve repair, angina (chest pain), and coronary artery bypass surgery need special attention after the surgery. So, Yad Al’ Amal provides excellent supervision to these patients through specialized post surgical rehab in Dubai. We have experienced physiotherapists who gives Physiotherapy Services in Dubai and customized cardio pulmonary rehab services in Dubai plans and make sufficient routine changes to speed up their recovery. With our services, we ensure that we provide recovering patients extra attention and maintain a friendly relationship for their emotional support.

Benefits of Cardio Pulmonary Rehab Services

To positively impact cardiac patients’ overall health and give them a healthy lifestyle, we provide them with the special treatment they need. Cardio pulmonary rehab services in Dubai have many life-long benefits and help patients recover fast. Our foremost priority is to heal the damage and increase the muscular strength of the heart and body. By going through the rehabilitation process, our patients feel more energetic over time and notice physical changes in their bodies. Through this supervised process, we ensure that we help patients to develop stronger stamina by increasing their lung capacity.

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