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Working Hours

24/7 Available

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Office Landline

04 554 7348

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24/7 Hotline

05 2550 1508

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#105, Mohammed Abdullah Bindemaithan Building

(Building 11 ), Damascus Street 4, Al Qussais 2, Dubai

May 21, 2024

How to Care for the Elderly and Where to Apply for Taking Care of the Elderly.

Caring for the elderly is a profound responsibility that requires compassion, expertise, and dedication. As our loved one’s age, their need for support and medical attention […]
August 23, 2023

Choosing elderly home care in Dubai

As people age and the demand for specialist elderly care and home-care services in Dubai is becoming more important. Seniors often require individualized treatment and care, something […]
January 9, 2023

Elderly Health Care with YadAl’Amal at Home

“The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles!” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Life in Dubai is fast-paced. With the passing of time and fast life, […]