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04 554 7348

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05 2550 1508

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#105, Mohammed Abdullah Bindemaithan Building

(Building 11 ), Damascus Street 4, Al Qussais 2, Dubai

May 17, 2024

How Much Does IV Drip Therapy Cost?

IV drip therapy is increasingly popular in Dubai, offering a convenient way to receive essential nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream. Whether you’re recovering from […]
July 21, 2023

Reasons why you need an IV therapy in Dubai

In today’s hectic lifestyle keeping your health in top shape and well-being is a major challenge. But, thanks to the advances in medical technology, novel treatments such […]
June 30, 2023

“What Does IV Treatment Mean, How Does It Work, & Where Can You Get It?”

What is IV Treatment, and How Does it Work? IV therapy is a type of intravenous treatment that involves injecting fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into […]